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发布时间 2023-07-20



Exploring the Mystery of Transforming All Sentient Beings by a Circle-Grey Avenue

--by Circle-Gray Master



Circle-Gray Avenue: "Dao" is a principle, and "magics" are composed of hundreds and thousands of billions.


However, no matter how many magics there might be, they cannot be separated from the laws of nature.


What is "Dao"? The combination of yin and yang, the opening and closing are both beneficial, and the five elements complement each other, repeating the cycle.


The extreme must be reversed, and the balance and coexistence belong to the Dao. The Dao way follows nature, and this is the fundamental essence of the Dao.

什么是“术”法万万亿? 术法则是指各行各业,无论什么行业都有它的奥秘术法。

What are the hundreds and thousands of billions of “magics”? The magics refer to various industries, no matter what industry, all have their own secret magics.


As long as the world masters the secrets, it is very simple to succeed.


These principles can find its direction and way out within the Circle-Grey Avenue, and ultimately achieve the goal of success.

人来到这个世界,想要追求什么梦想,每个人所选择的目标都不一样,如此就有必要先向心自问,自己想要什么? “名”、是“利”,还是和平健康长寿?

When people come to this world, what dreams do they want to pursue? The goals each person chooses are different, so it is necessary to first ask oneself, what do you want? Is it "name", "benefit", or peace, health, and longevity?


How to achieve the ideal goal you have set as soon as possible, so it is necessary to first understand and have a thorough understanding of the mystery of what the trilion techniques of Circle-Grey Avenue is.


In all walks of life, no matter what industry, there are its Tai Chi points. This Tai Chi point is the core of the "Circle-Grey Avenue", called "degree", also known as "degree of Circle-Gray" or " great degree of Circle-Gray".


Regardless of which industry, it has its natural rules and is subject to the sanctions of "degree". No matter what industry or enterprise people engage in, when encountering difficulties, as long as they could find the natural laws of this industry, the mystery of its Tai Chi point "degree" lies, by using effort to resolve difficulties, no matter what difficulty, it will be overcome and ultimately they could achieve the goal of success.


The tactics chosen by the people of the world, whether to strike first or to strike later, whether to attack above the Nine Heavens or hide below the Nine Earths, whether to first connect horizontally or then combine vertically, are the changes in the techniques.


The trillion techniques refer to the application and changes of enterprise development strategies in various industries. How to use this technique, it needs to constantly change according to the right times, right local conditions and right people, whether to control changes with immutability or with change, one should find its mysterious laws and implement them to achieve the ultimate goal of success.


If the world understands these principles, dealing with various difficulties is no longer a problem.


To achieve enlightenment and to become a religious believer, one must first cultivate one's mind and then one's behavior. To cultivate goodness and accumulate virtue, one should follow the Heavenly Way and follow its natural course in life. Only by doing one's best to serve the society and the world can one achieve success and happiness, and complete the spiritual state of an immortal and become an immortal happily.






World Circle-Grey Immortal Sect Charity Federation

Chairman of the Supervisory Committee: Zeng Chongzhou

January 15, 2023

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